Our Founder

With a Master’s in Education from the University of Cambridge, and as a former History and Languages teacher, Lucy, founder of Global Impact Adventures, has a very good understanding of what makes for good educational experiences. As she also spent seventeen years leading American high school groups around Europe and leading adult groups as far afield as India, she also has a very good grasp on what profound educational experiences look like and the key ingredients for a successful trip. And having run her own curated travel business, Diamond Skies Travel, since 2018, Lucy has an all-round understanding of the ins and outs of trips, from every side of the operation.

Darren, has spent over two decades working in educational travel and is based in the US in our Boston office. He began his career working at the American Council for International Studies, as part of the London team, working as part of the operations management team and then moved to the US in 2009 to become Vice President of Finance. In 2015 he set up GoPlay Sports Tours, a company dedicated to student sports trips and he remains passionate about student travel.

our team

Our team is made up of former teachers, tour managers and tour guides scattered across the globe. This means we have real world knowledge of the educational travel world, thanks to us having spent decades taking high school groups on tour. But we also have an excellent understanding of how trips can add to and enhance school curriculums.

On our team we also have a sustainability expert with a Masters in how to make tourism more sustainable and ethical, and her guidance and knowledge is essential to us ensuring that we can all travel for years to come whilst making it the most positive experience for both host country and traveler alike.

We have an extensive network of local suppliers and offices with whom we work closely to ensure the successful outcome of our trips. They keep up to date with the ever changing travel sphere, ensuring that trips evolve to ensure a successful outcome each and every time. And whilst our team may all speak different languages, we are bound by the  language of excellent customer service.