We have decades of experience in educational travel and voluntary work. We are a team of former high school teachers, tour guides and tour managers. In short, we understand our student and educator clients better than most. We know all about the pressure and striving for better on all sides. We know about the commitment to the students which goes far beyond their education. And this is why we are here. To support learning inside and outside the classroom.

We also know what works on tour.

We were there alongside groups for decades: listening and learning.


Our projects have been carefully vetted to ensure that these are responsible organizations which are truly changing local communities and, most importantly, where all the resources go directly to those in need. Through the acts of service contributed by the students, we feel that both project and student alike benefit from such good deeds. And the work is important, be it a conservation project or nursing a baby orangutan; all the work is necessary and vital to the continuance of such projects. We are committed to ensuring that the students leave feeling that they are part of a global community dedicated to serving others. There is no better life lesson than working alongside others to make our world a better place.


We believe in giving students a new perspective. A chance to learn things that can’t be taught in the classroom. We want to encourage empathy, compassion and humility, as well as tenacity, motivation and determination. Our trips are about all of this and they are also about having fun. We want our students to work hard and play hard. To give back and to enjoy.

Safety and Security

The safety and welfare of our students is of paramount concern to us at Global Impact Adventures. The projects themselves are rigorously vetted, as are the people working on them and as such you can rest assured that your students are in the very best hands. Please see our FAQs for further information with regard to COVID-19 protocols and any other questions you may have relating to this.