
Europe is like walking through a giant history book. Its towns with walls that speak of conflicts in times gone by. Its monasteries and convents perched on top of hills, and towns dominated by huge cathedrals, harking back to a time when religion was the center of people’s worlds.

The cities are a cacophony of noise, a Tower of Babel as the citizens of various countries are sprinkled like icing sugar throughout. It’s amazing smells, fabulous fashion and delicious food of every description. It’s a place where sitting and watching the world go by is everyone’s favorite hobby.

It’s a place where monuments may dominate, but it will be the special moments which make your trip. And most importantly, Europe is not merely London, Paris and Rome...

Come on a GIA trip and discover Europe by getting to know the people, supporting local communities and experiencing Europe, the European way.

Croatia & Slovenia





