Frequently Asked Questions

  • For over two decades, we have been involved in educational travel and our partner company has been working with volunteer projects around the world since 2009. What Global Impact Adventures (GIA) does is to combine educational travel with a service element and sprinkle it with fun, to create a trip which transforms the lives of our student travelers and those they go to help.

    So what does this look like? Each trip comprises a number of days spent on the project and then the rest of the days are spent on activities which help you get to know your host country some more as well as having fun!

    The time spent on the project will be fully immersive with hands-on work, be it planting trees, teaching children, feeding those in need, or helping sea turtles, elephants and dogs.

    At all times it’s an educational experience. We believe that education is an ongoing, lifelong process not restricted to the classroom. It’s about fostering curiosity. It’s about learning about different ways of life. It’s about learning whilst not thinking about learning!

    Most importantly, we believe these experiences will alter students’ outlooks, increasing compassion and understanding. There will be an opportunity to be involved in the community, to have a chance to learn about different ways of life and to work as a team. We also see it as a chance for a digital detox, a chance to step away from the online world and into a wonderful, totally different world to the one back home.

    And once the project is over, we are about immersing you in the culture of the country you are visiting. Cookery classes, whitewater rafting, kayaking, surfing, snorkeling and dance lessons are just some of the ways you will get to know your host country further.

    Our name really does sum up what we do. We aim to deliver trips which have a global impact on both participants and the world at large, whilst also promising adventure in the form of fun activities and experiences a million miles from their everyday existence. Contact Global Impact Adventures today so that we can tell you more!

  • Each group has a tour manager, usually local to the country, who will be with the group 24/7. Our tour managers are problem-solvers, story-tellers, extremely hard-working professionals and there to assist you however you need. They will keep you entertained whilst also making sure you see the very best that the country has to offer, as they know all the top spots and love sharing their country with groups.

    The tour manager meets you at the airport and stays with you throughout the trip until you board your plane back home again. Teachers accompanying the students will directly liaise with the tour manager throughout the trip.

    In addition to the tour manager, we have local offices who are there to help as and when needed.

    On each project there are staff there to help with any issues which may arise and to support the smooth running of the trips for the students.

  • During the project you will stay in a variety of accommodation depending on where the project is. Most of the time the accommodation is fairly simple, clean and for the main part, has WiFi. Some have air con, some don’t. Part of the experience is about learning what it’s like to live with fewer material comforts and instead focus on the inner growth experience. We also encourage groups to spend time talking to each other and to the staff, practising their language skills where possible and living more in the moment.

  • While you are not on project, you can expect 3 and 4 star style accommodation and/or accommodation which is typical of the country you are in. This could be an eco-lodge in a remote part of Costa Rica, or a tent in the desert in Morocco alongside conventional 3 and 4* hotels often with pools in hot climates.

    We want the hotels to add to your overall experience and to be, where possible, representative of the country you are in. Wherever possible we are interested in sustainable tourism, employing as many eco-friendly practices throughout the trip as is possible and this extends to our accommodation choices and their practices.

  • When on the projects the types of accommodation vary widely, from some being dorm style rooms (divided along gender lines) of 4-6 and some being twin rooms. When off the project, the students are in twins and triples with a single room provided for the chaperone/teacher.

  • On most programmes breakfast and dinner are included in the price and on many programmes all three meals are included.

  • We will make every effort to accommodate your dietary restrictions. In the case of allergy it is extremely important that you highlight this to both the tour manager and teacher. You could also bring a little card, written in the local language, which highlights your food restriction to give to waiters and those providing you with food.

  • We ask for a positive mindset and enthusiasm for the project and country you are visiting, but other than that, no special skill set is required on most of the projects.

    The only exception to this, is the PADI diving requirement for the marine conservation projects in Barcelona and Split (Croatia).

    We have a variety of projects which are open to all and you will be briefed by the project volunteers on the tasks you will be undertaking. All we ask is that you understand your ‘why’. Why are you doing this? What are you able to contribute?

    For those truly interested in serving others, there should be no task too small and we ask for an attitude of gratitude.

  • All trips on the general pages are sample trips which we suggest for school and university groups. We will shortly be putting some fixed date trips for individual travelers to sign up to. Those trips will not be customisable, but anything else is.

    Please contact us at to get started. We can set up a trip specific to your group’s specific requirements. We have decades of experience in running trips and are keen to find you the perfect fit.

  • We work with all students, from middle school upwards. We take middle school, high school and university students as well as any interested adults.

  • Please note you will require a passport for all trips. You are responsible for obtaining your own passport, so if you or your child does not have a passport, please do not delay! Please note that some countries require that passports be valid for six months after you return home, so please ensure yours is up to date.

  • Many countries do not require visas nowadays, but some may do so. You will be informed if a visa is required for the country you are visiting, allowing you plenty of time to obtain one before departure.

  • Whilst Global Impact Adventures does not require a vaccination, some of our partner projects or countries do. This can be to protect the animals or just be an entry requirement to some countries. We will advise you of what vaccinations are required when you sign up to the trips.

  • Global Impact Adventures offers flight booking as an optional service.

  • Some schools prefer to work with a local agent to book international airfare, so we do not include the cost of flights in our program price, unless asked to do so.

    If your school does not have an existing relationship with a local agent or you would prefer to book your flights through Global Impact Adventures, we would be more than happy to do so. Just let us know during your itinerary planning and we will add the cost of the airfare to your quote.

  • Unfortunately, if a student tests positive for COVID-19 prior to departure they will not be able to travel. Provided you have taken out full travel insurance, you will be able to claim the cost of the trip back.

  • Please rest assured that if a student tests positive, we will take care of them. They will receive medical attention which will be covered by their insurance and they will be taken care of by either a chaperone or a member of our staff. If necessary a parent will be flown over. We will do everything possible to protect all participants and to reduce the likelihood of contracting COVID.