Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions are valid for all Global Impact Adventures programs departing after October 15, 2023 and are subject to change with or without notice. The most current Terms in effect at the time of your registration will apply,

Medical coverage overseas. Round-trip air transportation from the designated U.S. departure city. All breakfasts and either lunch or dinners. Service of an Global Impact Adventures Tour Manager. Tips (except to tour manager, and long distance bus drivers). And, all charges for departure taxes, airport, airline and federal security fees and fuel surcharges.

Non-refundable passport fees; beverages with meals; lunches (or dinner), excess baggage charges; optional excursions; extensions; tips to tour manager, and long distance bus driver, expenses incurred during free time periods; overnight lodging and meals in the United States prior to departure or upon return of the international flight; non- refundable visa and visa processing costs for destinations which have visa requirements (note: visas and visa processing costs for non-US Citizens may be higher); transportation from participant’s home to the airport of departure and back; airport taxes that are collected on the spot in foreign airports.

Due to advance reservation fees, Global Impact Adventures reserves the right to change the non-refundable portions of the program fees. Penalties will depend purely on the refund policy of the clubs or ticket agents. Higher initial deposits may also be required in order to hold reservations and may be non-refundable in the event of a cancellation.

Global Impact Adventures reserves the right to refuse any registration at its sole discretion or when Global Impact Adventures air or land space is full or after ticketing deadlines. New enrollments are not usually accepted within 60 days of departure. In the unusual circumstance that new applications are accepted within 60 days of departure, full payment must be paid online, and the participant may be subject to additional air or land surcharges. If a registration is refused, a full refund will be made within 30 days of such refusal. Participants who are placed on a waiting list will receive notification within 45 days of registering from Global Impact Adventures.

All payments will be made on-line using our secure registration portal.

The specific flight itinerary will be made available at least 45 days prior to departure. Airline e ticket information will be sent only if full payment and the E-signature release from all participants has been accepted. Please note that Global Impact Adventures only sends travel documents directly to the group leader, to individuals who are traveling from different cities than the rest of the group and to participants registering without a group leader.

Due to airline and bus restrictions the limit is 50 lbs. per person, which includes one suitcase and one small carry-on item. Airline baggage fees may apply. Luggage travels at the risk of the participant, and Global Impact Adventures is not responsible for any delay of, loss or damage to it or its contents. Airlines are strictly adhering to their policy of one carry-on bag. Please check with the air carrier directly for their specific baggage liability limitation. Participants are responsible for any airline luggage fees. Airlines are not responsible for any act or event during the time the participants are not on board their planes or conveyances. The participant’s contract in use by the airline, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the airline and the participant. Any and/or all transportation companies mentioned herein shall have or incur no responsibility for liability to any traveler aside from their liability as common carriers.

Global Impact Adventures groups are generally accompanied by an Tour Manager or in-country assistance.

Global Impact Adventures will assess a $300 Name Change Fee to all registered participants who request a passport name change within 90 days of departure. This is the fee the airline impose on Global Impact Adventures.

Participants not originating from the same U.S. departure city as the main group will be required to pay a $50 Alternate Gateway Fee and will not be guaranteed air routings with the main group. Depending upon their airport arrival time, these participants may not be met at their arrival airport and may have to make their own way to their first hotel. In these cases, Global Impact Adventures will provide a standard transportation allowance. Participants wishing to fly internationally with the main group must arrange their own transportation to and from the main group’s airport.

Please confirm the departure date and gateways of your program with your group leader before making your own bookings, as these may be subject to change. In order to return independently from the group, participants must email Global Impact Adventures with

a specific alternate return date and city. Participants may return from the city in which their program ends or another major international city. Global Impact Adventures will invoice participants a $50 Alternate Return Fee, and any additional airline charges if this option is selected. Each subsequent change will be $50 plus applicable fees. Full flight and date details must be received by Global Impact Adventures at least 90 days prior to departure. No changes can be made within 65 days of departure. Otherwise, if participants wish to alter flight arrangements from scheduled program dates, they must plan to make their own domestic and international flight arrangements. All participants flying independently from the group must make their own ground transportation arrangements to and/or from their departure city and/or arrival airport. Neither Global Impact Adventures nor the group leader supervising the group is responsible for the participant.

Global Impact Adventures reserves the right to offer small groups the choice of moving to an alternate itinerary which goes to the same general area or paying a small group surcharge. If Global Impact Adventures is unable to provide an alternate itinerary option, small groups with no travel options can elect to receive a full refund. For custom designed itineraries, Global Impact Adventures reserves the right to charge a small group surcharge in the event the original projected participant numbers which were provided by the group leader and upon which the itinerary’s costing was based are not attained. It is at the group’s discretion whether to accept the small group surcharge

Effective date of protection plan coverage is the day you depart for the Global Impact Adventures Tour.

Adventures program for which you are registered. Coverage terminates the day you have returned to your place of residence in the United States or at the end of the Global Impact Adventures program for which you have registered. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Terms & Conditions, you acknowledge and agree that Global Impact Adventures, its affiliates, directors, officers, employees or the group leader, host school or schools, including any person or entity employed or utilized byGoPlayor host schools in any foreign country cannot be responsible for any injury, loss, damage, accident, delay or expense resulting from events beyond its control, including, without limitation, acts of God,
war, terrorism, strikes, incidents of politically- motivated violence, sickness or quarantine, government restrictions or regulations, and, in the absence of its own gross negligence, arising from the use of any vehicle or from

Please confirm with your group leader the correct departure date and gateways of your program before making your own bookings, as these may be subject to change. Travelers may choose to purchase only the land portion of trips traveling to Western Europe, Costa Rica and select other destinations, contact Global Impact Adventures for more details. They must make their own round trip travel arrangements and join the program at the first hotel accommodation. Neither Global Impact Adventures nor the group leader is responsible for the participant in any way when the participant is not part of the main group. Participants who change from an Global Impact Adventures flight to their own transportation (NAF) or vice versa less than 90 days prior to the scheduled departure date will be charged $50 for each change. Global Impact Adventures provides internal flights for NAF participants if included on the itinerary. Notification of such change must be in writing. No change can be made within 65 days of departure.

Global Impact Adventures reserves the right to make changes in fees, departure dates, departure cities, itinerary sequence, trip direction, airlines, hotels, and optional excursions, On certain dates, especially holidays, some attractions or activities may be closed. Global Impact Adventures reserves the right to substitute attractions or activities. Such changes are not grounds for withdrawal with full refund except as noted under

“Refunds.” Global Impact Adventures may cancel a program due to insufficient enrollment, unforeseen operational difficulties, lack of projected availability or any other reasons. If a trip is canceled by Global Impact Adventures, a full refund will be made within 30 days. This is GoPlay's sole liability, and under no circumstances will Global Impact Adventures be liable for an amount in excess of the program fee.

Global Impact Adventures primarily utilizes regularly scheduled flights. Equipment, routing and itinerary for particular flights may be modified by the direct air carrier or by Global Impact Adventures. Single plane service is not guaranteed; alternative aircraft of any carrier may be substituted at any time, and aircraft may make additional stops. Such changes will not create a right to cancellation or refund. Global Impact Adventures books regular economy class seats and is unable to accommodate requests for any type of upgrade due to the terms and limitations of our airline group travel contracts.

Global Impact Adventures selection of, or from any act or omission by, any host family, bus or car rental agency, steamship, airline, railroad, taxi or tour service, hotel, restaurant, school, university, or other firm, agency, company or individual. Although Global Impact Adventures may endeavor to work with customers to minimize any losses, delays or expenses resulting from any such event,

Global Impact Adventures does not guarantee any right to a refund, travel credit, or postponement of travel, except to the extent provided under the Protection Plan in which you participate. Please note that the descriptions in the promotional brochure are sample program descriptions only. Your actual itinerary may be reversed or may vary slightly from the original description. The final itinerary which your group leader receives shortly before departure constitutes the program which will be provided by Global Impact Adventures. No warranties, terms or conditions apply to any program unless expressly stated in this brochure or expressly stated in writing and signed by Global Impact Adventures,

Traveling abroad with Global Impact Adventures will require the ability to walk distances, navigate stairs and transport luggage. Travelers should anticipate encountering natural and architectural barriers outside the United States which Global Impact Adventures cannot and does not control. Special meals and/or medical supervision cannot be provided. Porterage is not included on Global Impact Adventures programs.

Global Impact Adventures offers and provides services on a fair and non- discriminatory basis, without consideration of any factor or characteristic prohibited by law and with equal opportunity for all applicants and participants. Global Impact Adventures complies with all laws prohibiting discrimination.

Global Impact Adventures Release

  1. I, the undersigned, whose name and signature appear on this form (and my parent or guardian if I am a minor), a registrant for a trip with Global Impact Adventures LLC hereby acknowledge that I have read and agree to the Global Impact Adventures LLC Terms and Conditions and my itinerary description, as well as those provisions contained in the Release below, and acknowledge that they form part of my agreement with Global Impact Adventures LLC including sections concerning responsibility, refunds and changes in dates, cities, hotels and prices.

  2. I/my guardian voluntarily consent(s) to participate in all activities provided and/or organized by Global Impact Adventures LLC (including the possibility of biking, horseback riding, water-based activities and home stays), and I hereby assume all risks of loss and injury that may be incurred, directly or indirectly as a result of my participation in all activities provided and/or organized by Global Impact Adventures LLC. I/my guardian also authorize(s) Global Impact Adventures LLC to arrange for professional care and treatment for myself in case of a medical emergency. I/my guardian agree(s) that if I become ill or incapacitated, Global Impact Adventures LLC may, without incurring any liability, take such actions as it considers necessary under the circumstances, including securing medical treatment for me and transporting me to the United States all at my own expense. I agree to release Global Impact Adventures LLC from any liability for the quality and timeliness of any such medical care received or for any expenses incurred. I understand that Global Impact Adventures LLC shall distribute to me through my group leader written behavior guidelines and regulations concerning my behavior while traveling. I understand that Global Impact Adventures LLC cannot accept responsibility for travelers not following these rules and regulations, and that I may be sent home at my own expense without benefit of any refund if I do not adhere to Global Impact Adventures LLC behavior guidelines and standards and the instructions of my group leader. I understand that if I am expelled from school or otherwise disciplined by school or civic authorities, I may be declared ineligible for the trip and my participation cancelled, subject to the refund policies stated below.

  3. I will indemnify Global Impact Adventures LLC, its affiliates, agents, directors, employees, and my group leader, school, school officials and hold them harmless for any financial liability or obligation which I personally incur, or injury or damage to the person or property of others which I cause or contribute to, while participating on an Global Impact Adventures LLC program.

  4. I understand it is my/my guardians’ responsibility to meet the group leader accompanying me on a trip with Global Impact Adventures LLC and satisfy myself/themselves as to the appropriateness of the group leader to meet my needs and I/my guardian will inform the group leader of any special requirements for me.

  5. I understand that the air carriers’ liability for loss or damage to baggage, or for death or injury to person or property, is limited by their tariffs and/or the Warsaw Convention and related agreements. Further, I understand that the air carriers assume no responsibility during such time that I am not on board their aircraft.

  6. I understand that future Global Impact Adventures LLC advertising and publicity material may include statements made by participants, or their photographs/video footage. I consent to such use of my content, comments or photographic/video likenesses.

  7. I understand that I am responsible for exercising caution and common sense at all times to avoid injuries. I understand that Global Impact Adventures LLC is providing, as part of the program fee, basic protection coverage for my benefit, including limited health, accident and life insurance in the event of injury or illness while on an Global Impact Adventures LLC program, as well as limited program cancellation or interruption insurance if I fail to participate or am delayed in connection with an Global Impact Adventures LLC program as a result of certain specified actions or events. I acknowledge that I accept the full description and limitation of this coverage that appears in the protection brochure, a copy of which is available upon request.

  8. I hereby waive and release Global Impact Adventures LLC, its affiliates, agents, directors, officers, and employees and my group leader, host school agents and school officials, including any person or entity employed or utilized by Global Impact Adventures LLC or host schools in any foreign country, from all claims arising from any injury, loss, damage, accident, delay, or expense resulting from events beyond its control, including without limitation, acts of God, war, terrorism, strikes, incidents of politically-motivated violence, sickness or quarantine, government restrictions or regulations, and, in the absence of its own gross negligence, arising from the use of any vehicle or from Global Impact Adventures LLC’ selection of, or from any act or omission by, any host family, bus or car rental agency, steamship, airline, railroad, taxi or tour service, hotel service, hotel, restaurant, school, university, or other firm, agency, company or individual.

  9. If my local school, school board, school administration or similar group is officially sponsoring this trip, I will receive written notification of that fact from my local municipality, school, school board, school administration or similar group, together with a statement of any responsibility for the trip assumed by that organization. In the absence of such a written notification, I understand that the trip is not officially sponsored or supported by my municipality or my school system, although they may, as a courtesy to the teacher involved, allow school or municipal premises or services to be used in connection with planning for the trip. Therefore, my local school, school board, school administration, school officials, municipality and municipal officials have no liability or responsibility whatsoever with respect to the trips unless they expressly inform me otherwise in writing, and by going on an Global Impact Adventures LLC trip I expressly release and waive all claims of any type against any or all of the foregoing in any way related to, or arising out of, the trip.

  10. I understand that Global Impact Adventures LLC reserves the right to make changes in the program and in program costs as described in the Global Impact Adventures LLC program brochure and itinerary description without liability for refund.

  11. I understand that obtaining a passport is my responsibility. If I am not a U.S. citizen, I understand it is my sole responsibility to obtain, in advance, any visas and other documents which may be required to enter or connect through all the countries on my itinerary and to re- enter the United States. If I have a passport from a country other than the United States, I must contact the local consular offices of the countries I will be visiting to obtain the necessary visas. Such visas are not obtainable on the spot overseas. Whether I am a U.S. citizen or not, Global Impact Adventures LLC will be held harmless in the event I am unable to obtain the necessary documents for participation in the program. I understand that inability to obtain these visas and other documents does not constitute grounds for withdrawal with full refund; the standard refund policy will apply.

Global Impact Adventures Release

I understand that Global Impact Adventures LLC provides without charge a re-routed itinerary if: 1) The U.S. Department of State states there has been a terrorist attack against U.S. interests and 2) the U.S. Department of State issues an official Travel Warning that Americans should not travel to any country visited on the itinerary and 3) the official Travel Warning is issued or in effect within 90 days prior to departure. In such situations, if Global Impact Adventures LLC in its sole judgment decides to operate its program, I may withdraw and receive from Global Impact Adventures LLC, under my protection coverage, a full refund less $500, I may withdraw and Global Impact Adventures LLC will provide the cost of a return flight to the U.S. city of departure up to the limit provided without refund of any other fees paid. In situations where protection coverage does not exist, Global Impact Adventures LLC’ standard refund policy shall apply. A copy of the protection brochure describing this coverage is available upon request. In all cases Global Impact Adventures LLC reserves the right to cancel, alter, relocate or postpone programs as it determines necessary without penalty.

I acknowledge acceptance of the terms of the refund policy as outlined below and in the Global Impact Adventures LLC Terms and Conditions, including the following:

If a participant withdraws this many days before departure

The refund consists of all payments LESS:

150+ days
120 to 149 days
90 to 119 days
60 to 89 days
59 days or less

No Refund

*If the withdrawing participant has paid $1,300 or less at the time of withdrawal less than 59 days before departure, there will be no refund. Cancellation/Refund Policies may differ for domestic trips; contact Global Impact Adventures LLC for more details. I understand that the above chart is the cancellation/refund policy of Global Impact Adventures LLC and that participants may have purchased an upgraded plan. I understand that all refund requests must be in writing to XXXXXX

I understand that group leaders who travel with their team may receive complimentary benefits from Global Impact Adventures LLC or its affiliates as compensation for chaperoning, preparation and organization of the travel program.

I agree that any dispute with Global Impact Adventures LLC will be submitted to binding arbitration, to be conducted substantially in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Unless Global Impact Adventures LLC agrees to a different location, the arbitration shall be conducted in Suffolk County, Massachusetts. I agree that if I do not substantially prevail in the arbitration, I will be responsible for Global Impact Adventures LLC’ expenses, including lawyers’ fees participating in the arbitration. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final. I understand that by signing this agreement, I am giving up my right to have any claim against Global Impact Adventures LLC decided in court before a judge or jury.