community service

On a GIA trip, community projects often include some kind of construction, renovation, painting and general assistance with communal buildings. Projects which can see you involved in building stoves, latrines, schools, benches, chairs and everything in between. Many of the very poorest communities lack the basic resources with which to build and by coming to work on the project you will also be helping provide the vital raw materials needed.

Alternatively you could find yourself involved in helping feed people in need. From food shops in Vietnam, to soup kitchens world over, feeding those in need means not just giving food. It means giving some of your time and kindness to your fellow human being in their hour of need. For both of you it is a chance for connection and compassion.

You will find yourself working alongside locals, learning a bit of local languages, understanding their culture and traditions by becoming part of that society. You will understand what it is to be resilient in the most challenging of financial circumstances and have a greater appreciation of how adaptable people can be in such situations. You will discover in yourself a resourcefulness and perhaps be surprised by what you are capable of.

On our community projects the focus is on understanding that the community is not a geographical construct, but a shared humanity And that in working alongside your fellow man, regardless of origin, language or any other such barriers, that we are bound together by far more than what divides us.

Argentinian Adventure

Costa Rican adventure

Cambodian aventure & Battambang

Insider’s Costa Rica

laos adventure with Pakbeng

Indian Goan adventure

Thailand adventure in Hua hin & Khao Sok

Vietnam & Phu Quoc

Cambodian adventure & kampot

Fijian Adventure

laos adventure with Vang Vieng

Mexican Adventure

north Vietnam adventure

Philippines Adventure

Vietnam & Mekong Delta