
The stunning deep blue sea and white-sand beaches of the South Pacific may be why you come but you’ll surely return after meeting the friendly locals. It truly is paradise and who wouldn’t be happy living here?

In your time in Fiji you could find yourself teaching English, a vitally important tool for most Fijians to help with work prospects. Or you could share your passion for sport and help with training and healthcare. Fiji has a problem with Type II diabetes and there are various public health campaigns designed to try and combat this issue. Alternatively, you could help out by assisting on a construction project, helping to build vital infrastructure for communities very much in need. Any work you do will have enormously positive consequences for the community and on your life; there is nothing that you receive that can make you happier than giving to someone else.

The adventure picks up once you’ve finished helping out, taking boat trips to snorkel and swim, take mud baths, relax in hot springs, tube down rivers and explore lush rainforests teeming with life. You’ll taste delicious local food and learn to slow right down. You’re on island time. 

Bula! Welcome to Fiji.

fijian adventure

pura vida : XXXX