India is a land with diverse climates and topography. A land of welcoming, bright and charming people. A land steeped in history, but very much a country which is forging ahead on the world stage right now. There are temples galore, thanks to India’s many deities and religions. It’s a country rich in culture and tradition yet for a significant part of the population, lacking in material resources.


In visiting, you will bring much needed money into the community as well as being able to use your skills to further enhance life here. Be it through building, teaching or caring for animals.

Being immersed in such a different culture, you will quickly learn about different ways of looking at life.

On a GIA trip, you will support a country which has so much potential, but a country which also has many who still live in poverty. You will have the opportunity to work on conservation projects such as those involved with protecting rare species. You will help care for animals such as elephants, cows and dogs. You will work with local communities in cities to help support teaching goals for the local children. India offers the opportunity for you to share your own experiences as well as learn so much more from the communities you become a part of.

Outside of volunteering, India has a wealth of places to explore. Full of fascinating sights and sounds, spectacular views and wonderful food. On your GIA trip, you will have the chance to learn how to dance Bollywood style, cook with a local family, enjoy tuk tuk tours in places such as old Delhi and enjoy water sports at the beach in Goa.

India is a place to be experienced, not merely visited and we hope that your GIA trip will be the first of many, to a country which will always welcome you back with open arms.

indian Goan adventure

highlights of India with satpura

India golden triangle

darjeeling adventure