Japan is a fascinating country both for its adherence to tradition and for its modern, futuristic side. The tradition is best witnessed in tea ceremonies and Sumo wrestling, the latter in the unique vending machines and superb bullet trains that criss-cross the country.

Fun fact: there is one vending machine per 25 people in Japan and they sell the most unlikely things!


On your GIA trip, you will have the chance to experience the well-known sights and sounds of the country, as well as the opportunity to get to know the locals in small town Japan. You could find yourself involved in an agricultural programme, assisting with traditional farming practices. Japanese farming methods are distinct from those in other parts of the world, given the mountainous terrain and lack of machinery used by older generations.

However, they are finding this increasingly difficult as the younger generations have migrated to urban centres. This traditional way of life is cherished by the elderly population and is one they wish to preserve.

 Depending on the time of year you go to Japan, you could find yourself rising early to help plow, last and harvest or help maintain the water supply. During the winter months, you would be more involved in processing the harvest, preparing conserved foods and participating in local handicrafts.

On another project, you could find yourself teaching English in a rural community - a crucial life skill for so many there. As this community seeks to expand its tourism market, many are prevented from accepting bookings from foreigners for fear that their language skills are not good enough to provide a perfect service. Here, your lessons will prove invaluable and could mean a real difference in someone feeling confident to build their business. Often, it’s not just about language, it’s about people feeling comfortable using their language skills with native speakers.

Your GIA Japan Trip is coming very soon…Watch this space!