Overshadowed by more famous neighbors, this stunningly beautiful piece of paradise still remains relatively untouched by tourism. That means fewer people and a slow, tranquil pace of life. Laos is the land of elephants, of lush greenery and of beautiful waterfalls.


On your GIA trip, you could be involved in construction projects aimed at renovating and painting schools, or teaching English to the local children. You may also be involved in handing out alms to the local Buddhist monks. Or involved in all three. You will have the chance to help whilst integrating into the community and fully experiencing the culture.

And once you have finished your voluntary work, it’s time for some adventuruous activities!

There are hikes to picturesque lakes, spectacular sunsets and evenings listening to music produced by local instruments such as the qeej. You’ll visit the magnificent temples of Vang Vien and Vientiane, take part in cookery classes and explore caves.

You’ll make memories in Laos that will be with you for the rest of your life.

Laos Adventure including Vang Vieng

laos adventure including pakbeng