At a crossroads of the African and European continents, Morocco has been a meeting point for cultures and civilization for centuries.  Between ancient cities, gorgeous mountains, and marketplaces beyond your wildest dreams, you’ll experience a country that has had significant influence from the French, Spanish, Portuguese and even Romans.


We welcome you to experience this magical kingdom of contrasts, with hands-on experience in the cosmopolitan capital city of Rabat. Located on the shores of the Atlantic, the colors, flavors and smells provide an insight into the ancient history of Morocco.

On your GIA trip, you will help underprivileged youth at an NGO center by teaching English, which is an invaluable skill for their future prospects. It will be an opportunity for you to share your culture as well as learn about theirs.

For those who are interested, there is also the opportunity for small groups to enjoy a homestay. An insider’s  chance to learn Arabic or French, by staying for a part of your trip with a local family, a truly life-changing and immersive experience.  

When not teaching you will be surfing, kayaking and participating in scavenger hunts in Rabat. And after Rabat, it’s on to Marrakesh, where you will enjoy activities such as learning how to make couscous with a local women’s cooperative. To end the trip, you will sample desert life; riding a camel and sleeping under the stars of the Milky Way.

This trip will be hugely important both for visitor and host alike. It will be immensely helpful for students seeking international work exposure, adventure and giving back to a very grateful community.

Moroccan adventure